
Inspiring our next generation to protect our sea turtles by turning the tide on plastic pollution in our oceans.

A children’s picture book about friendship, perseverance and the important role each of us can play in keeping one of our ocean’s most vulnerable sea creatures safe for future generations.


Sea turtles easily mistake floating plastic for their favourite foods.

In Australia, approximately 130,000 tonnes of plastic leaks into the marine environment each year.* A turtle can’t differentiate between jellyfish, plastic bags and balloons. When sea animals eat plastic, it can block their digestive system, causing a long, slow death from starvation. Sharp pieces of plastic can also pierce the gut wall, causing infection and sometimes death. ** Reducing plastic pollution can prevent the deaths of beloved marine species. Where do we start?


The Little Pago Guide
to Eliminating Single-Use Plastics


Little Pago has created a guide to share some simple ways to start eliminating single-use plastics from your day-to-day life. Collectively we can work towards preventing plastic pollution harming our marine life.
Take small steps, and enjoy the change.
We can’t be perfect so don’t put pressure on yourself. Small steps!

* World Wide Fund For Nature Australia and Boston Consulting Group, “Plastics Revolution to reality - A roadmap to halve Australia’s single-use plastic litter” (2020)
** CSIRO  By Lauren Roman, Britta Denise Hardesty, Chris Wilcox, Qatar Schuyler.  14 Dec 2020